
Compare Tool Design Analysis

My Role
Web Designer
Project planning
User interviews
Dec-Feb 2020


Selling large-ticket appliances online is a DIFFICULT task. Some users don’t have access to a nearby retail store or perceive that ordering online saves them in pickup and delivery -  which is sometimes true. Wayfair aimed to design a large-ticket item comparison tool to feature on their “product display pages (PDP) to help users make empowered decisions and assist Wayfair in growing its Appliance division. There was an insight that users would view an appliance on on our mobile site or app, and add it to their cart or likes. After they added it, they would move to a desktop experience to dig deeper.

  • Our top two competitors were Amazon and Home Depot. 
  • Understanding how the Decoy Effect is in action in our current experience and how it will play into future experiences was critical. 
  • We needed to find a differentiator to outperform our competitors and add a net new experience to our site. 

Overall, the audit looked at 30 adjacent companies with active UX teams at companies with a 100m or more value in AR. To begin our testing, we looked at always displaying four items stratified in price, from left to right, from lowest to highest. Our top recommendation would always live in the third slot. For our second phase, we wanted to evaluate how users could swap items in the compare tool with other items of interest. 

Success metrics

  1. Overall conversions from any item in the compare tool
  2. Conversions of the third-slot most recommended item
  3. CTRs from each of the slots in the compare tool
  4. Overall immediate growth (sales) on all appliances


  • Research
  • Wireframe mock-ups 
  • Executive level presentation